The “Regula on About Amending the Ports Regula on” prepared by the Ministry of Transport and
Infrastructure entered into force a er being published in the Official Gaze e dated April 27, 2023
and numbered 32173, and amendments were made to paragraph 7 of Ar cle 13 and paragraph 18 of
Article 39.
At this point, with the amendment made in Ar cle 7 tled “Pilotage and towage services” of the
relevant regula on, the situa ons where refueling vessels are not obliged to take pilotage according
to their gross tonnage classifica on (GT) and characteris cs have been redefined; and with the
amendment made in Ar cle 39 tled “Administra ve sanc ons”, it has been decided that the lower
limit of the administra ve fine to be imposed on those who provide pilotage or towage services that
do not comply with the relevant provisions, in the absence of special legisla on, will start from
10,000 TL.
The final version of the ar cles a er these amendments is as follows:
• 13- (7) (Amended: OG-27/4/2023-32173) “Refueling vessels of 1000 GT and smaller, which
berth and leave to aboard ships at anchor or at the coastal facility for the purpose of refueling
or berth and leave to the coastal facility to take their cargo for the refueling to be made, are
not obliged to take a pilot, including the stage naviga on in port areas with pilotage stage
naviga on. Refueling vessels between 1001 GT and 3000 GT and refueling vessels between
1001 GT and 5000 GT, whose main propulsion system is cer fied to be provided by alterna ve
and environmentally friendly energy sources, are not obliged to take pilotage and tugboat,
including stage naviga on and anchoring opera ons in port areas with pilotage stage
naviga on, provided that they are steered and managed by a master who has received
voca onal training, the dura on and scope of which is determined by the Administra on.”
• 39- (18) “(Annex: RG-14/4/2023-32163 Repeated) Those who provide pilotage or towage
services that do not comply with the provisions specified in the fi h paragraph of Article 8
and Ar cles 13, 14 and 15 shall be imposed an administrative fine from 10.000 TL to
3.312.913 TL within the scope of this Regula on (Amended phrase: RG27/4/2023-32173),
unless they have special legisla on.”
The Regula on can also be accessed from the link below.
h ps://
If you request more detailed informa on on the subject, you can contact us at any me via the
contact numbers below.