United Na ons Conven on on the Interna onal Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships is Signed by 15
United Na ons Conven on on the Interna onal Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships (also known as
Beijing Conven on on Judicial Sales of Ships) which was adopted by United Na on General
Assembly in December 2022 is signed by 15 States on 5 September 2023, with a well-a ended
ceremony in Beijing, China.
Beijing Conven on on Judicial Sales of Ships is a Conven on principally regulates judicial sale
procedure of vessels in an interna onal context. According to the explanatory notes a ached to the
Conven on itself; “the Conven on establishes a harmonized regime for giving interna onal effect to
judicial sales, while preserving domes c law governing the procedure of judicial sales and the
circumstances in which judicial sales confer clean tle. By ensuring legal certainty as to the tle that
the purchaser acquires in the ship as it navigates interna onally, the Conven on is designed to
maximize the price that the ship is able to a ract in the market and the proceeds available for
distribu on among credi- tors, and to promote international trade.”
China’s Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen, signatory on behalf of the Republic of China says:
“The conven on has filled the gaps in relevant interna onal rules in mari me commerce, which is
conducive to reducing the transac on costs of the judicial sale of ships and will safeguard the stability
of several rights, such as the ownership of ships”. In addi on, chief execu ve of the Mari me and
Port Authority of Singapore, Eng Dih Teo says “Beyond the commercial benefits, the signing of the
conven on nego ated by various states, is a good reflec on of mul lateralism – with countries
coming together to collec vely establish a common framework to address a shared challenge”.
According to the UNCITRAL, while the interna onal community has achieved significant progress in
harmonizing rules on the arrest of ships, much less progress has been achieved in harmonizing rules
on the judicial sale of ships.
As men oned at the beginning of the ar cle, this significant Conven on, which is closely related to
Mari me Trade, was signed by 15 states on September 5. On this occasion, these 15 states became
the first states to become signatory to the conven on. These states include countries such as China,
Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and Singapore.
Original text of the Conven on is available at this link.
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