In Emergency Situations
04 Feb, 2025

According to the letter dated 20.12.2023 and numbered 1608250 received from the Directorate General of Maritime Affairs of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, in order to prevent security threats that may occur through sea routes and develop countermeasures, the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code has been applied effectively to Turkish-flagged vessels and port facilities within Turkey’s maritime jurisdiction. This is in accordance with the “International Ship and Port Facility Security Code Implementation Regulation.”

Considering the security incidents that have occurred and recent developments in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, in accordance with the ISPS Code Implementation Regulation, in order for Turkish-flagged vessels to be prepared for potential security threats and to take necessary precautions while navigating these sea areas, and to enable early warnings for our vessels, it is announced that the ISPS Code Security Level has been raised to 3 (Three) as of December 19, 2023 for Turkish-flagged vessels that will call at Yemen and Somali ports, those navigating off their coasts, and those sailing in the Gulf of Aden and the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait.

Should a vessel encounter any security threat in these maritime areas, in addition to using the “Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)“, it is required that the Ministry’s “Main Search and Rescue Coordination Center (AAKKM)” be immediately informed via the following communication channels:

  • Phone: +90 312 231 91 05, +90 312 232 47 83, +90 552 727 0 727 (SAR 0 SAR), and +90 312 231 33 74 (TRMCC)
  • Fax: +90 312 232 08 23 and +90 312 231 29 02 (TRMCC)
  • Email:,,
  • INMARSAT-C TELEKS: 4 271 02326

These communication channels are open 24/7.

Should you have any questions regarding this newsletter, please contact us 24/7 using the contact details below.

Kind regards,

Esenyel Partners | Security Level Increased to 3 for Turkish Flagged Ships Sailing off the Coasts of Yemen and Somalia
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