Construction, modification and/or renovation in shipyards, boatyards and boatyards located in coastal areas in our country
procedures and principles regarding the environmental management of pollutants resulting from maintenance and repair
dated 07.12.2022 by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in order to determine
“Environmental Management of Shipyards, Boat Manufacturing and Boatyards” published in the Official Gazette numbered 32036
Regulation“ (”Regulation”) has been published.
Regulations, shipyards, boatyards, boat manufacturing and boatyards progress in a way to prevent environmental pollution,
the spread of cleaner production techniques, monitoring the impacts of processes on the marine environment, ballast
sediment intake facilities and the reporting required.
The Regulation was published in the Official Gazette dated 10.09.2014 and numbered 29115.
It does not cover facilities outside the scope of Article 5 of the Regulation.
In this context, the Regulation aims to minimize and eliminate environmental pollution caused by facilities.
to create infrastructure and take measures for its elimination. This one
In accordance with the Regulation, especially maintenance and repair works that may cause pollution on the sea surface
activities (cutting, sanding, assembly) are prevented from being carried out without taking precautions; and
use of prohibited materials stipulated in national and international conventions in transactions
is prohibited.
Collecting, treating and discharging the wastewater generated after the activity at a site
In addition to the obligation, the Waste in Facilities Regulation and the Official Regulation No. 30829 dated 12.07.2019
In accordance with the Zero Waste Regulation published in the Newspaper, the necessary measures for waste prevention and reduction
measures should also be taken.
Clean production techniques that should also be applied in the facilities are also specified in Article 6 of the Regulation.
are ranked.
Ballast water sediment collection from ships and monitoring and reporting are also regulated by the Regulation.
According to Article 7 of the Regulation, facilities serving ships larger than 400 GT
operators shall ensure that vessels arriving at their facilities for maintenance and repair
sediment intake with sufficient capacity and technical equipment to serve for the removal of sediments
establishing facilities individually or jointly, obtaining temporary activity certificate and environmental license
they have to.
Operate sediment intake facilities in a manner that does not cause unnecessary delays to vessels and that
sediments will not damage or degrade the environment, human health, property and resources
It is essential that ballast tanks are taken and disposed of safely.
Vessels larger than 400 GT wishing to have their ballast tanks cleaned or repaired in Turkey
operators shall dispose of sediments from ship ballast water to the ship ballast water licensed under this Regulation.
Sediment reception facilities are available, accessible and adequate for the needs of all vessels using them
and in a capacity deemed appropriate by the Ministry, more precisely, sediment before the ship leaves the facility.
must be capable of completing the intake operations. Sediment retrieval process
ensure that the personnel receive the training, the procedures and principles of which will be determined by the Ministry, and that only trained
personnel are obliged to work in the works/operations carried out in accordance with this Regulation. Ship ballast
sediments originating from the waters are transferred from licensed sediment receiving facilities to disposal facilities
transportation should be based on the provisions of the Waste Management Regulation.
According to Article 14 of the Regulation, the facility shall establish the necessary technical infrastructure for monitoring studies, measurement
and analyzes, reporting the results of these analyzes and keeping the necessary records.
Monitoring studies for the marine environment shall be submitted for evaluation during the environmental permit renewal process and
submitted to the Ministry every third year thereafter. According to Article 15 of the Regulation, samples
monitoring should be carried out at least at 5 points within the impact area of the facility and at 2 points outside. Sea
parameters to be monitored in water are monitored seasonally, while macro-benthose sampling is carried out every three years,
sampling of marine sediment and biota should be carried out once a year. Depth along the water column of 20
At least 3 depths (surface-intermediate-bottom) should be sampled at stations above 3 meters. Bottom
sampling should be done at a depth of 1-2 meters above the bottom. At a depth of less than 20 meters
sampling at surface and bottom depth is sufficient at stations. Marine Monitoring Guidelines
principles and the provisions of the relevant standard should be acted in accordance with.
According to Article 16 of the Regulation, each facility shall be responsible for the activities it carries out, the materials used and
equipment, measures taken to reduce negative impacts on the environment, clean
facility monitoring report containing information on the wastes generated by production techniques and the management of these wastes
within one year of becoming operational, during the environmental permit renewal process and in the third year thereafter
and submits it to the Ministry in written and electronic media. The marine monitoring report is a summary of the
prepared within 1 month from the date on which it is made and submitted to the Provincial Directorate in writing and electronically
Finally, it is important to note that the facilities in operation at the date of entry into force of the Regulation,
submit facility monitoring reports to the Administration within 1 year from the date of entry into force of this Regulation
they are obliged to present. If you request more detailed information on the subject, please contact us via
You can contact them at any time via their contact numbers.