In Emergency Situations
04 Feb, 2025

Dear Sirs ,

We would like to inform you of the new pollu on fine tariffs applicable as of 1st January 2024.
The new tariff has been published on 25 November 2023 in the Official Gaze e and fine rates
has been increased by 58,46%.

Pollu on fines are divided in four categories: A, B, C and D.

Category A: Pollu on from tankers discharging petroleum products and deriva ves (raw
petroleum, fuel oil, bilge, oil mud, refined product oil waste etc.)

Up to 1,000 (inclusive) GT 3,184.81 TL per unit GT
Between 1,000 and 5,000 (inclusive) GT An addi onal 796.23 TL per unit GT
Over 5,000 GT An addi onal 79.59 TL per unit GT

Category B: Pollu on from dirty ballast discharged to sea by tankers

Up to 1,000 (inclusive) GT 580.25 TL per unit GT
Between 1,000 and 5,000 (inclusive) GT An addi onal 115.76 TL per unit GT
Over 5,000 GT An addi onal 18.37 TL per unit GT

Category C: Pollu on from ships and other sea vehicles that release petroleum/ petroleum
deriva ves (bilge, oil mud, freight mud, fuel oil, oil waste or dirty ballast, etc.)

Up to 1,000 (inclusive) GT 1,592.40 TL per unit GT
Between 1,000 and 5,000 (inclusive) GT An addi onal 318.49 TL per unit GT
Over 5,000 GT An addi onal 79.59 TL per unit GT

Category D:Pollu on from garbage and sewage discharged to sea by ships, tankers or other sea

Vessels Up to 1,000 (inclusive) GT 796.29 TL per unit GT
Vessels Between 1,000 and 5,000 (inclusive)
An addi onal 159.25 TL per unit GT
Vessels Over 5,000 GT An addi onal 18.37 TL per unit GT

Fixed fine amounts for the vessels up to 150 GT

Vessels up to 18 (inclusive) GT 17,661.00 TL
Vessels between 18 and 50 GT 35,325.00 TL
Vessels between 50 and 100 GT 70,650.00 TL
Vessels between 100 and 150 GT 105,976.00 TL

Fines for Sulphur Content of Bunkers;

Authori es integrated Pollu on fines for the vessels which is not comply with the IMO 2022
Sulphur Cap.
New fine tariff ;

Vessels up to 1,000 (inclusive) GT 706,051.00 TL per GT unit
Vessels between 1,000 and 5,000 (inclusive)
An addi onal 88,031.00 TL per GT unit
Vessels over 5,000 GT An addi onal 17,067.00 TL per GT

An objec on can be raised against the fine before the respec ve courts within 30 days as of the
date of the service of the fine.
If it is decided to se le the fine, 25% discount will be applied if the fine is paid within 30 days as
of the date of the service of the fine.


De-ballas ng opera ons should be avoided unless the ballast water was checked and confirmed
to be clean.
• All overboard discharge valves should be closed and secured/sealed in closed posi on.

• All deck scuppers should be plugged and any gaps in the fish plate surrounding the deck should
be closed.

• Hose test of hatch covers, hydrosta c test of deck pipes/hoses or other equipment should not be

• Washing of decks and superstructure should be avoided.

• Treated water from the sewage system and grey water should be transferred to a holding tank
and should not be discharged un l the vessel is outside Turkish waters.

• Cargo residues, cargo space cleaning residues, all garbage and other substances should not be
disposed in Turkish waters.

• The vessel’s hull should not be scrapped, chipped or painted while alongside the pier or at anchor.

• While the vessel is at the shipyard or in dry dock, even if the pollu on is caused by the negligence
of the shipyard, its employees or agents, the ship may be held vicariously liable for the pollu on
fine. Therefore, the crew members should exercise care and they should immediately protest in
writing to the shipyard where they believe pollution took place.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any querry about our above newsle er.

Yours sincerely,


Esenyel Partners | New Pollution Fine Tariffs For The Year 2024 In Turkish Waters
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