In Emergency Situations
04 Feb, 2025

During the 4th meeting of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Special Tripartite Committee (STC), held between May 5-13, 2022, an agreement was reached on 8 out of 12 proposed amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006), aimed at improving the working and living conditions of seafarers. The following amendments were made to the aforementioned Convention:

  1. Provision of suitable and appropriately sized personal protective equipment for the increasing number of female seafarers.
  2. Provision of free quality drinking water to seafarers.
  3. Facilitation by states of the prompt return of seafarers stranded on abandoned ships to their home countries.
  4. Provision of medical care on shore for seafarers urgently in need of medical assistance by states.
  5. Facilitation of the shipment of deceased seafarers’ remains.
  6. Provision of appropriate social communication opportunities for seafarers by shipowners and internet access at ports by states.
  7. Information provided to seafarers regarding their rights and obligations related to recruitment and placement to compensate for financial losses.
  8. Registration of seafarers’ deaths and annual reporting to the ILO, with publication of these data.

It has been reported that the proposed amendments were approved at the 110th ILO General Conference on June 6, 2022, and that these amendments are expected to come into effect in December 2024.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, you can reach us 24/7 using the contact details below.

Best regards.

Esenyel Partners | Maritime labor convention (MLC 2006) amendments
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