On December 4, 2021, with the publication of Presidential Circular No. 2021/24 in Official Gazette No. 31679, it was declared that the “Türkiye” brand is recognized as the umbrella brand of our country in both national and international platforms. As part of efforts to strengthen the “Türkiye” brand, it has been emphasized that the term “Türkiye” should be used instead of “Turkey”, “Turkei”, “Turquie”, etc., in official relations, activities, and correspondence with other states, international institutions, and organizations. In this context, it is requested that the term “Turkey” in any documents and ship certificates (such as the Certificate of Seaworthiness, Tonnage Certificate, Ship Registry Certificate, etc.) issued through e-Maritime and similar applications be changed to “Türkiye”. Additionally, Authorized Organizations are instructed to use the term “Türkiye” instead of “Turkey” in the certification processes of Turkish-flagged ships from the date of this circular. Furthermore, it is necessary to ensure that the term “Türkiye” is used in all areas where the name of our country appears, including plan approvals, correspondence with the central office, and all international activities and correspondence of Turkish-flagged ships and their operators/owners with international institutions and organizations.
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