By the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (hereinafter referred to as the “Grand National Assembly”) on March 30
Law No. 7446 on the Environment and Certain Laws and Law No. 375 adopted on 2023
Law on the Amendment of the Decree Law (hereinafter referred to as “Law No. 7446”)
(hereinafter referred to as the “Environmental Law”), a number of amendments were made to the Environmental Law No. 2872.
In the justification of the Law No. 7446 adopted by the TGNA,
it is statedthatenvironmental pollution and
marine pollution have become a major problem today, scientists
frequently draw attention tothis
issue, and that the fight against pollution should continue, and
that administrative fines should be regulated in an equitable manner in this
The proposal submitted in this direction was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 30 March 2023 and
Article 20 of the Environmental Law No. 2872 dated 9.8.1983
was amended by Article 2 of Law No.7446
Thephrase “10 Turkish Liras” in subparagraph (4) of paragraph (ı) of thefirst has been amended as”11,59 |
Pursuant to this amendment
, the amount of administrative fines for tankers, ships and other marine vessels over 100 thousand gross tonnes
will be calculated on the basis of 100 thousand gross tonnes. To put itmore concretely
, in the administrative fines to be imposed after the amendment,
tankers, ships and other marine vessels over100 thousand
gross tonnes will be considered as if they were 100 thousand gross tonnes and
the administrative fine will be calculated accordingly.
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