Recently, a number of measures have been taken for the rapid, safe and efficient
The Grain Corridor, which is of vital importance for the food supply of the entire world.
The Grain Corridor, which is vital to the food supply of the entire world, due to the
the high density created by merchant ships passing through the
Bosphorus in the anchorage areas.
The Directorate General of Maritime Affairs has announced new decisions
for ships that will be anchored in anchorage areas.
in a new letter, “Anchorage Sites in the Istanbul
Strait” dated May 9, 2023, sent to the distribution points.
According to this, it was decided to apply the anchorage period, defined
as 72 hours maximum, as 120 hours in anchorage zone Kartal and anchorage zones
B° and C° anchorage zones among the anchorage zones at the southern entrance to the Bosphorus, to continue to
to apply the anchorage period defined as 72 hours maximum in the
anchorage period defined as 72 hours maximum in anchorage zone “A” among anchorage zones at the southern entrance to the Bosporus, and abolish the
the practice of allowing only vessels with a gross tonnage of less than 5,000
tons to anchor in the Kartal anchorage area.
For more information on this issue, you can
contact us through the following contacts.
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mailing list, you can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the following
contact details.