The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has determined the tariffs that will be valid for 2023 for foreign-flagged commercial yachts that will operate in Turkish territorial waters for yacht tourism, which has attracted a lot of attention in our country in recent years.
According to the Ministry’s decision, foreign-flagged commercial yacht operators over 39 meters who will request permission to carry out tourism activities will apply at least 15 days prior to the tour date with a petition stating the duration of the yacht’s stay in Turkey, the yacht’s insurance policy, certificate, document regarding the authorized person of the company to which the yacht belongs, and in case of appointing a representative in Turkey, samples of the authorization and identity document of the authorized person.
If the documents submitted are deemed appropriate, permission will be granted with the “approval of the Ministry’s authority”, limited to the same calendar year. Provided that the entry fee and the contribution to social and technical infrastructure are paid, the Ministry will issue a permit. Within this framework, for each 30 days, foreign-flagged commercial yacht operators requesting permission for 2023 will be charged 525 thousand TL for yachts between 39 meters and 60 meters in length, 750 thousand TL for yachts between 60 meters and 80 meters in length, and 1 million 500 thousand TL for yachts over 80 meters in length for contribution to social and technical infrastructure services.
These yachts will also be charged a fee under the Law on Fees. The amount of fees they will pay will be 607 thousand 261 TL for yachts from 39 meters to 60 meters in length, 910 thousand 891 TL for yachts from 60 meters to 80 meters in length, and 1 million 214 thousand 522 TL for yachts over 80 meters in length.
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