Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate of Shipyards and Coastal Structures official website
page, in the announcements section of the ‘Granting Operating Permits for Coastal Facilities and
Directive on the Evaluation of Construction Requests’ was published on 08.03.2023.
Coastal Facility Directive published in the Official Gazette dated 18.11.2022 and numbered 32017
Regulation on Operation Permits and Coastal Facility Operators and the Regulation dated 15.03.2009 and numbered 27170
The Communiqué on the Evaluation of Coastal Facility Construction Requests published in the Official Gazette
In order to determine the principles of implementation and to ensure unity in practice, the Coastal
The coastal facilities that will receive a Coastal Facility Permit and the zoning plan submitted for the Ministry’s opinion
The Directive covers the provisions on the opinion to be given by the administration regarding the proposals.
In the Directive, it is stated that coastal facility operation permit applications should be made 2 months in advance.
the implementation will start as of 18.04.2023, the regulation entered into force
KTBS (Coastal Facility Information System) or petition within 2 months as of 18.02.2023
applications for operating permits will be accepted and from this date onwards, the operating permit process
It is stated that it will be carried out through KTBS.
The Directive can be found at
link to the directive on granting-and-evaluating-requests-for-building-shore-structures
access is provided through.
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